3 hours of JHipster live presentation and demo by our leads Julien Dubois and Deepu K Sasidharan at Devoxx Belgium on November, 8th 2016.
Slides are available on SlideShare and code developed live is on GitHub.
JHipster is a
Yeoman generator,
used to create a
Spring Boot + AngularJS
Our goal is to generate for you a complete and modern Web app, unifying:
Lots of great companies use JHipster, all over the world! Find the full list here, and don't forget to add your company once you have started using JHipster
Install JHipster npm install -g generator-jhipster
Create a new directory and go into it mkdir myApp && cd myApp
Run JHipster and follow instructions on screen yo jhipster
Model your entities with JDL Studio and download the resulting jhipster-jdl.jh
Generate your entities with yo jhipster:import-jdl jhipster-jdl.jh
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